Words related to category: Care for a baby Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
g̱a̱n'ahii rocking cradle | g̱a̱ng̱os baby jumper | g̱a̱nmmoo baby's bottle | g̱a̱nsag̱oos baby bouncer | g̱a̱nt'o'osk nipple/pacifier | g̱a̱n'yax rocking cradle | ha'a̱yin put down (a baby or child) | ksima̱sx breast milk | libag̱ayt t'oosk baby's bottle | liił watch for | mi'is milk/breast | mi'ismg̱a̱yk breastfeed | mmo milk | nnaaẅłk sing a lullaby |